Welcome to The Very First Issue of Connection Coach Cindi
The newsletter that helps you feel more connected - to yourself, your people, and the world around you. I'm so glad you're here!
Welcome to the first issue of The Monthly Connection, the newsletter where we explore the tips and tools of the Steps of Connection.
In case we haven’t met, let me introduce myself -
I’m Connection Coach Cindi.
A bit about me…
I have masters level training and over 30 years of real life experience helping people connect to themselves. At the core of my work, I believe that every single problem on planet earth can be traced back to Disconnection, and the resolution to Disconnection is Connection. The way we human beings experience Connection is to be seen and heard, and the first people we need to learn to see and hear are ourselves.
Neurologists say that 95% of our reality is unconscious or subconscious. We can then understand why it's so challenging and elusive to be Connected to our true authentic selves!
So how do we do this?
This is where having your own personal Connection Coach comes in handy.
Let me explain by starting with a question:
Who is the only person we can change?
Yes! It’s ourselves.
So, if 95% of our reality is unconscious or subconscious, how do we make changes in ourselves?
Let's look to GPS for some clarity. When GPS first arrived on the scene, before it could give us directions to a destination, it would ask, “May I use your current location?” GPS couldn’t tell us where to go, until we agreed to let it use our current location. In other words GPS couldn’t tell us where to go until WE (the only people we can change) said YES! (consciousness) to our NOW.
(NOTE: This is a big revelation! We don’t want to forget this.)
Wouldn’t it be great to have a pocket connection coach everywhere we go, giving us reminders to remember important stuff like this?
Well, you’ve got one!
Meet Pocket Cindi…
She’s going to be popping in along the journey, reminding us of all the important stuff about Connection.
Connection Coaching works the same way.
We must first say YES! to learning where we are (THE NOW) so we can begin to plot where we want to go.
Connection Coaching focuses on THE HOW to connect to ourselves.
The goal of Connection Coaching is to build a toolbox filled with tools that assist us in recognizing what connects and disconnects us from our authentic selves. This is why having a Connection Coach can help us see our personal forest from the trees!
Do you know the #1 tool in our toolbox for Connecting to THE NOW?
(Sounds easy, right?)
BREATH is both automatic (unconscious) and voluntary (conscious).
The first step is to move from unconscious breathing to conscious breathing.
For now, I invite you not to take my word for it, but to try your own experiment. See for yourself the high impact this tool has in bringing you IMMEDIATELY into your NOW.
Do you want to gather your own data? Start by watching the video below:
Four Part Breath 4-4-4
Before you start, take your internal Stress Temperature - using a 1-10 scale - 1 being hardly any stress and 10 being high stress.
Now begin:
Breathe in through your nose.
Hold for 4 counts.
Breathe out through your mouth 4 counts.
Hold for 4 counts.
Repeat in rounds of 4.
Take your Stress Temperature again.
Did you notice a reduction in stress? If so, how much? What would happen if you did another round? It might be a good experiment to try this multiple times a day to see how you feel and what happens with your Stress Temperature.
Below is a virtual 4-4-4 BREATH sticky note reminder.
(You could even make a real one for your bathroom mirror!)
By simply focusing on the four-part breath (4-4-4 BREATH), you begin to move from an unconscious to a conscious connection to self. Notice how nothing has shifted in your external landscape and yet internally your stress has declined. Literally by shifting your focus through breath, you changed your current reality!
The key word is YOU! You didn't change anything in the external landscape (traffic, emails, deadlines), you changed YOU! (The only person you can!)
When we remember that we are the only people we can change and move our focus from the external landscape to an internal one, through breath, we bring ourselves into THE NOW where the Authentic Self lives.
When we connect to our Authentic Self, our stress levels drop, because we can finally see and hear ourselves!
You just took your first steps on your Connective Journey!
Welcome Home You!
We’ll come back to this technique often in this newsletter. Be sure to come back next month for more tips and tools on the Steps of Connection.
⬇️ There’s one more thing you should know. ⬇️
We can also do this work together.
I do virtual one-on-one sessions and give talks to large and small groups.
For information on how to work with me, please see my website.
Let’s Connect!
Thank you for reading!
Your Friendly Connection Coach,